Monday, August 13, 2007

Learn from WhatWhat Status application

If you're new to Turbogears, this is great overview about it. WhatWhat Status is a simple approach to project status tracking. We hope that it can be employed and improved by others, and can be a good learning tool for TurboGears programmers.

  1. download now
  2. unzip the file (pwd : deiruse)
  3. copy and paste at C:\Python25\Scripts
  4. run your mysql program.
  5. In the folder whatwhat
    • select file dev.cfg (change [sqlobject.dburi="postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/whatwhat?cache="] to [sqlobject.dburi="mysql://root:@localhost:3306/whatwhat"] )
    • select file initialize-mysql.sql import it using phpmyadmin
  6. to start your whatwhat status, open your command prompt
  7. press enter.
  8. Open your browser, http://localhost:8080
  9. username and password : admin, have fun !

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